New Build

The challenge…

Our client had hoped to return to their childhood hamlet to build a traditional four bedroom Cotswold style home to retire to. This would also allow them to care for an ageing parent who still lived locally. However, they were told by the Local Planning Authority they could not build on the site they were to purchase as it was in the Open Countryside. The access was over tree roots on land not owned by the seller and the also client wanted a double garage with workshop and a home office over.

Our approach…

As style would not be the deciding factor to unlock the site, our strategy was to focus on the principal of a dwelling, safe access and the sustainability of the site – all issues raised by the planning officer for refusing any application. The bigger picture, rather than a single policy against new houses in open countryside, would be key to addressing any solution. Benefits arising from SuDS, Solar PV, electric car charging, a home office, etc. would reduce the carbon footprint of a development.

Our solution…

A case was made on the basis of the greater weight of material planning considerations for the house arising from National Planning Policy, County Council policies, the adopted and emerging Local Plans, the Parish Plan and relevant research statistics. After Outline Planning Approval was granted for Use and Access, we designed an A rated, energy efficient house that met Lifetime Homes Standards that gain Reserved Matters and Building Regulations Approval. Not only is our client delighted with their new home but so is the planning officer.